The change curve: Re-aligning your business during times of crisis

When negative situations arise, those who push past obstacles and continue to move forward are the ones that grow into high achievers. Think about Thomas Edison, the inventor of the lightbulb, he literally created his own light during a dark time. The number of attempts he made before successfully developing the light bulb is said to be around 10,000, his response? “I have not failed. I've just found 10,000 ways that won't work”.

In the face of uncertainty, utilising creativity to develop new opportunities separates the successful from the struggling. Your business should remain persistent and find a new and exciting approach that changes the way you normally do business. This may look like a personal transition, organisational change or both, to move in a new direction that sees the business bouncing back and growing from an unfavourable experience.
Check out some steps to consider below when pivoting your business!

Identify where you are on the Change Curve.
During this journey, it’s important to recognise and accept change. Are you in the denial stage of the downward curve or are you on the up, toward problem-solving? Each step on this curve is necessary for change to be made. Remember, nothing good ever came from the comfort zone! It is important to get yourself and your staff thinking positively of the change curve so the business can redirect and become productive again, in minimal time.

The Change Curve was initially developed in the 1960s by Elisabeth Kubler-Ross to explain the grieving process. Since then it has been redeveloped many times to reflect the process of negative changes and the way humans deal with them. It is now utilised as a tool to help people understand their reactions to significant, unexpected changes in their lives and how to shape these changes to benefit themselves and their business.

Change your tone and messaging
Generate new messaging that reflects the current landscape, ensuring the use of compassionate language when selling so your audience understands your position.
Increase the volume and frequency of communication on all touchpoints including social media, your website, email and any other platforms your business utilises to create connections.

While being flexible with your messaging is essential to communicating with your audience this change in tone doesn’t mean you can’t sell your product or service. It simply means you should approach the topic of sales in a different, lighter way.

Show your audience how you and your product add value to their lives and can help solve a problem. It is essential to focus on the customer during this time, listening to what they need and respond to, building relationships that will have loyal customers following you th

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