Delayed Gratification

If you get this concept, you’re guaranteed to be successful in your mortgage broking business.

The concept I refer to is: Delayed Gratification!

The secret to ongoing (repeat) referrals is to build a solid reputation.

A trusted brand.

That brand is YOU.

The issue for many new brokers is that they don’t get the concept of delayed gratification.

When you start out in your broking business, you have to go through an incubation period. Reason being is that it takes time to build a reputation, a brand, and a following. And I’m not talking months, I’m talking years.

As Warren Buffett once said: You can’t produce a baby in one month by getting nine women pregnant. I love this quote as it’s so true.

To build a trusted brand, you need to be seen as a subject matter expert in your chosen field. You need to be consistent with what you say, how you say it, how often you say it, and where you say it.

With the power of social media, building a solid trusted brand is so much easier as your reach is greater than ever before. But be warned it’s just as easy to tarnish your brand.

The best advice I can give you is to be consistent with your communication (both written and verbal), and be consistent with the frequency of your communication.

Over time, your following will grow and compound, resulting in regular and repeat business that generates on auto pilot.

As I outlined in my interview with MPA magazine last month, this is one of my four tips if you want to succeed.

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